Tuesday, December 30, 2008

flightless bird

Two out of three of my New Year's Resolutions resolved before the end of the previous year. This might be my year. Finally. Happy, hopeful and strong. I am strong, all on my own. I may not wake up to birds singing and sweet words but i can create both for myself. I am a little sad that I might be the cause of these impossible romances and not merely an innocent bystander. There is always a part that can't, that arrives too late or too soon, but there is always another part that is.. me. I am not regretful or angry, I don't hold anyone to blame. Not even myself. I only hope there is no such thing as a limit to how many chances you get. I have a knack for letting them slip away. I find comfort in knowing there is something i keep, and maybe you too, that stops us from ever breaking, falling away from each other. I don't know how to feel. New emotions for a renewed life, a new year. Maybe, just maybe, i do have some kind of beauty of my own. Maybe, just maybe, I will be worth, someday, to be chosen over complicated situations and situated complications. I'm o.k. with waiting. In the mean time, enough missing opportunities to miss an opportunity.


Blogger Vera said...

Adoro-te e ai! que saudades!

12:37 PM  

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