Friday, June 02, 2006

«sometimes the only way is jumping.. i hope you're not afraid of heights»

Just stay put. 45 minutes left. The last geography class you will ever go to. In your life. Just keep still. Wait it out. You've done it for two years, you can do it for less than one hour. Don't stand up. Don't scream. Don't use up your golden ticket.. save that thought - "the LAST time you'll have to listen to that drone voice".

I can't stand this. I'm going to scream. If i don't scream i'll die! My head hurts, it's going to blow up. I swear. I'm crying. I can't believe i'm crying. My head aches so much, it just gets worse every day. I can't handle this. I can't. I won't. (40 minutes).


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